C.A. van Woelderen (Vlissingen, July  12, 1877 – Wassenaar, January 30, 1951)

‘Burgomaster of Vlissingen 1919 -1945’

Painting, oil on canvas, by:

Rueter, Wilhelm Christian Georg (Georg) (Haarlem 1875 – Amsterdam 1966)

Van Woelderen Park

1 october 2019

Centennial jubilee burgomaster C.A. van Woelderen

On October 1 2019 it was a hundred years ago that Carel Albert van Woelderen became burgomaster of Flushing. It is a good and appropriate moment to give the nature reserve Nollebos Westduinpark the well-deserved name VanWoelderenpark.

It was the fiery wish of our former burgomaster to give to Nollebos his name through an elegant wrought iron fence at the park entrance with his name on it (see under the newspaper article and also the art page on this site). Because of the World War II devastation and because of the combination of unfortunate circumstances during the following years his wish never came true. Until now.

Cut-out from the relevant text in the
Provincial Zeeland Chronicle, June 15, 1964