Committee members
Chair: Jean-Marie van Isacker
Jean-Marie moved to the Burgemeester van Woelderenlaan in 2018. He is an art and antiques appraiser. Since returning from New York City he has appraised the art collections belonging to Veere and Middelburg. His experience as a committee head is a relic of his committee membership at Round Table 1 N-Y and at the Kiwanis in Middelburg. As a committee member of the nature foundation Tuin van Zeeland he fought for the preservation of the typical hawthorn hedges and wind shaped trees along countryside roads. During these years he elaborated a strategy for sustainable caretaking of the ‘greenery’ belonging to the three towns in Walcheren, the Province of Zeeland, the water management corporation and the Dutch highway department. Jean-Marie always looks into solutions for out-of-balance and threatened landscapes. He went to court for the preservation of one of the two canal dikes that provided the entrance to the Middelburg harbour which was in use during the Dutch East Indian Company (VOC) trading times with a successful verdict. He believes the parc should not become a ‘Build Back Better’ echo chamber but provide an example for an alternative ‘Grow Green Graciously’. He set up the foundation in 2019 to protect the parc indefinitely.
Board member: Eline van Mourik – Visser
I have been living opposite the Nollebos with my family since 2021, and I enjoy the view of the greenery every day. The park offers a place to relax, where you can take lovely walks, where children play and where many good conversations take place. The park is a unique place in the city of Vlissingen; close to the dunes and the beach. After the construction of the boulevard, it is a welcome transition to greenery and tranquility with unique plants and a connection between the city and nature.
After our move, I started a small-scale family home with my husband. As family home parents, we take care of foster children and offer them a safe place to live. The children enjoy playing at the skating rink in the park or playing football on the lawn opposite the house. In addition to my work as a family caregiver, I am involved in various green projects as a garden designer; currently at the ‘village garden around the church’ project in Nieuw- en Sint Joosland. I am committed to more nature and sustainability, connection and awareness.
Nature in the city improves air quality and is good for people’s well-being. Green invites you to move and relax. When designing the park, it is important that sustainable choices are made with an eye to the future. A future where, partly due to climate change, but also due to the increasing pressure on society, the preservation of a natural environment will become increasingly important. A future in which we can guarantee that there is a park for all Vlissingen residents to relax and enjoy nature; without buildings.